
Poems 1979-85

Lane is allusive, intricate, and technically ranging, while the abiding impulses of her work remain spirituously generous and affirmative. Few contemporary poets have her command of tone, able to shift from intense intellectual attention to private joy, from the ironical to the lyrical.

This is poetry both demanding and magnanimous. Reckonings is a very substantial collection which certainly enhances her reputation as one of Canada's finest writers and brings her work to the wider audience she deserves.

Published:  January 01, 1988
79 pages

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Format Paperback  9780864920713  $7.95

M. Travis Lane is the author of sixteen books of poetry and has been widely published in literary journals as a poet and critic. She has won the Atlantic Poetry Prize, the New Brunswick Poetry Prize, the Pat Lowther Memorial Award, and the Bliss Carman Award. Her most recent book, Crossover, was a finalist for the Governor General's Award for poetry in 2015. She is a founding member, as well as Honorary President, of the Writers' Federation of New Brunswick. She also is a Life Member of the League of Canadian Poets, where she has participated vociferously in its feminist caucus. M. Travis Lane lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick.