Now, the Memory

A cache of the brooding imagery and strength characteristic of Gotro's poetry.
Published:  January 01, 1987
74 pages

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Format Paperback  9780864920492  $7.95

"Gotro's poems have a definite strength... I prefer the imagery and sweep of his work." — Ottawa Review

"... unquestionably worthwhile... with a quality of quiet eloquence and real lyrical feeling." — The Fiddlehead

Paul Gotro was born in 1952. He has worked at many occupations, from soldier to editor and more recently teacher, and has lived in several regions of Canada, from the Maritimes to the West Coast. His poetry, reviews, articles and essays have appeared internationally in numerous literary journals as well as in two anthologies and on many radio programmes. Now, the Memory is Paul Gotro's third collection of poetry, following Spider in the Sumac (Fiddlehead Poetry Books, 1979) and Transitions (Harbour Publishing, 1984).