New Brunswick and the Navy

Four Hundred Years

From the seafaring battles between the British and the French of the 1640s to the privateers of the War of 1812, from the merchant ships of the Second World War to the construction of the corvettes and frigates in the 20th century, New Brunswick has played an important role in Canada's naval history. In 1881, the new Dominion of Canada chose New Brunswick as the base for its naval operations. Three decades later, New Brunswick MP Sir George Foster initiated Parliamentary debates that led to the founding of the modern Canadian Navy.

In this fact-filled volume, Marc Milner and Glenn Leonard tell the story of New Brunswick's contribution to Canada's storied naval heritage.

New Brunswick and the Navy is volume 16 in the New Brunswick Military Heritage Series.

Published by Goose Lane Editions with the Gregg Centre for the Study of War and Society
Published:  October 22, 2010
156 pages

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Format Paperback  9780864926326  $16.95