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Leaven of Malice (Audiobook)

Leaven of Malice (Audiobook)

Duration:  3h 20m Abridged
Published: September 01, 1999
BTC Audiobooks  /  Fiction  /  Novels
Audio Cassette:   9780864922847    $22.95

This novel by the redoubtable Robertson Davies begins with the following announcement from the Salterton Evening Bellman: "Professor and Mrs. Walter Vambrace are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Pearl Veronica, to Solomon Bridgetown, Esq." Athough the malice that prompted the insertion of this false notice was aimed at only three people — a junior English instructor, the subdued daughter of a domineering professor and their anxiety ridden editor of the Evening Bellman — it permanently changes the lives of many citizens of Salterton.