Ova Aves

This large-format chapbook includes 13 full-colour reproductions of Holownia’s photographs, accompanied by 13 poems by Nova Scotia naturalist and poet Harry Thurston. A stunning integration of image, text, and typography, the book is typeset in Walbaum and printed offset on HannoArt paper.

Published by Anchorage Press
Published:  January 01, 2011
36 pages

Available format(s)

Format Paperback  9781895488456  $35

Thaddeus Holownia is a visual artist, letterpress printer, and publisher. After a forty-one-year teaching and administrative career in the Department of Fine Arts at Mount Allison University in Sackville New Brunswick, Holownia recently retired from teaching and now spends his time at his studio in Jolicure, New Brunswick.

Harry Thurston is the author of more than twenty books of poetry and non-fiction including Tidal Life: A Natural History of the Bay of Fundy, A Place Between the Tides: A Naturalist’s Reflections of the Salt Marsh, and Keeping Watch at the End of the World. He lives at the edge of a salt marsh in Tidnish Bridge, Nova Scotia.