
Poetry Friday: "The Bad News" by S.P. Zitner

Poetry Friday: "The Bad News" by S.P. Zitner

We don't like to dwell on it, but let's be honest; some days it seems like the world is made up of nothing but bad news....

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Poetry Friday: "Astrocottage" by Katherine Leyton

Poetry Friday: "Astrocottage" by Katherine Leyton

Today's poem "Astrocottage" comes to the Interwebs courtesy of Katherine Leyton (from All the Gold Hurts My Mouth). Leyton's collection explores the subtle effects of the...

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Poetry Friday: "The Long Way Through the Chairs" by M. Travis Lane

Poetry Friday: "The Long Way Through the Chairs" by M. Travis Lane

Since this is the internet, it's frankly amazing that our Poetry Friday posts haven't yet succumbed to cute cat pictures. Today, we rectify that, with M. Travis...

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Poetry Friday: "Weather Report" by George Sipos

Poetry Friday: "Weather Report" by George Sipos

If you aren't paying attention to the weather, we Maritimers are currently being crushed by a winter storm of epic proportions. Luckily, we Maritimers are...

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Poetry Friday: "November" by Lynn Davies

Poetry Friday: "November" by Lynn Davies

The trees are gone, their greenenergy gone, as if this is it, this  is all we’ve ever needed.

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Poetry Friday: "Listening to a Dried-out Lena While Watching Harold Lloyd Hang from a Clock Face at The Mayfair"

Poetry Friday: "Listening to a Dried-out Lena While Watching Harold Lloyd Hang from a Clock Face at The Mayfair"

Thanks for meeting me at the bus station in the snow, Lou.Who doesn't like silent films? Each frame is a small shrine.But this store clock scene...

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M. Travis Lane Recognized with Lieutenant-Governor’s Award

M. Travis Lane Recognized with Lieutenant-Governor’s Award

The New Brunswick Arts Board (artsnb) announced the winners of the Lieutenant-Governor’s Awards for High Achievement in the Arts in Fredericton on Monday evening. Presented...

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