Ian Weir 101
With his latest novel, The Death and Life of Struther Purcell, set in the Wild West, award-winning writer Ian Weir treads on classic terrain with a slice of British...
Interview with Ian Weir, author of The Death and Life of Strother Purcell
Out in stores now: The Death and Life of Strother Purcell, the new book by Ian Weir! Don't miss out on reading the novel Publishers Weekly gave a...
Summer Reading! with Ian Weir
To celebrate the summer of 2018, we are pleased to present an ongoing series of reading recommendations/reminiscences by Goose Lane authors past and present. Today: Ian Weir (The...
Who's Reading What? with Ian Weir
To celebrate the summer of 2017, we are pleased to present an ongoing series of reading recommendations/reminiscences by Goose Lane authors past and present. Today: Ian Weir (Will...