Slow Seconds 101
George Thomas Taylor (1838-1913) was a Fredericton-born photographer whose work offers a fascinating glance into nineteenth-century New Brunswick. For the first time ever, a curated collection...
Paintings For Sale 101
Maud Lewis is one of Canada's most beloved folk artists. Born in 1903, Maud spent her life painting the enchanting and ever-changing places of rural Nova...
The Great Trees of NB 101
New Brunswick is home to more than five billion trees, many native to the Acadian forest and some exotics introduced by settlers. For this new...
The M Word 101
Mother’s Day approaches and brings with it many dimensions, and what book would be better to ring in this year than The M Word: Conversations About...
"Dangerous Enemy Sympathizers" 101
May 7th is the official publishing date for "Dangerous Enemy Sympathizers" When we think of World War II, we think of Nazis, Pearl Harbor, Vimy...
The Rest is Silence 101
Scott Fotheringham will be attending a book launch in Kingston on Monday April 22 to promote the recently released paperback copy of The Rest is Silence and we...
Airborne 101
We wanted to prepare you for one of the best non-fiction books you could come across this season. Strap yourselves in — we’re going to...
The Forbidden Purple City 101
Let’s talk about The Forbidden Purple City. Author Philip Huynh was the 2016 co-winner of the Emerging Writers Award and has been widely published in literary journals...
Hymnswitch 101
It’s publishing day for Ali Blythe’s Hymnswitch, and we couldn’t be more excited. When his debut collection, Twoism, came out in 2015 from icehouse poetry, it received...
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