"[A] vivid, well-researched analysis of the then-impending cultural and commercial transformation of the National Hockey League." — Publishers Weekly
"Anecdotes, stories and clearly enunciated insights and analysis put The Last Hockey Game right up there on the shelf with Ken Dryden's The Game. There can be no question after reading this excellent addition to hockey's literary canon that our game isn't now and will never be the same as it was then." — Winnipeg Free Press
"The Last Hockey Game is a bold, intimate, often brilliant feat of storytelling. Bruce McDougall takes a single game, a proverbial grain of sand, and spins it into a universe. The resulting energy illuminates not just the core, the solid centre, but the ragged outer edges of the game's greatest franchises, the Leafs and Canadiens, at the height of their greatness." — Charles Wilkins, award-winning author of Breakaway and Little Ship of Fools
"I saw this game, and I have to say the book is even better. The Last Hockey Game has all the inside innocence, ego, snubbed cigars, honest scars and pro-gossip from the glory days when the NHL was about to lose its virginity." — Bill Gaston, author of Midnight Hockey and Juliet Was a Surpise
"It's about a game and its players, employees in a trade where even excellent work guaranteed nothing, least of all fair treatment yet they played their hearts out, for the love of the game. But the question you'll ask yourself most often while reading The Last Hockey Game is: 'How did he find that out?'" — Jean-Patrice Martel, author of On the Origin of Hockey and former president, Society for International Hockey Research