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The Great Trees of New Brunswick, 2nd Edition

The Great Trees of New Brunswick, 2nd Edition

264 pages
Published:   May 28, 2019
Non-Fiction  /  Nature
Paperback:   9781773100951    $27.95
Published by Goose Lane Editions with the Conservation Council of New Brunswick

The essential reference to the trees of the Acadian forest — at home, at the cottage, and on the river.

New Brunswick is home to more than five billion trees, many native to the Acadian forest and some exotics introduced by settlers. For this new edition of The Great Trees of New Brunswick (the first edition was published in 1987), forester David Palmer and conservationist Tracy Glynn have prepared a book that doubles as an informative guide to the province's native and introduced species and a compendium of "champion" trees, drawn from nominations from all corners of the province.

Divided into sections on hardwoods, softwoods, and exotics and lavishly illustrated with full-colour photographs, The Great Trees of New Brunswick features chapters on all thirty-two native species and nine introduced species. Each chapter includes information on the tree's defining features, habitat and uses, as well as photographs and a detailed description of champion trees. Rounding out the book is an introductory essay on the Acadian forest — its history, survival, and future.

Whether you're an avid hiker, outdoors person, or simply someone who wants to know more about the trees of the Acadian forest, you'll find The Great Trees of New Brunswick to be an essential reference to New Brunswick's forests and its panoply of trees.
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David Palmer is a regular contributor to Atlantic Forestry Review. He was the manager of the York, Sunbury and Charlotte County Products Marketing Board from 1988 until 2014.

A native of Miramichi and daughter of a horse-logging father, Tracy Glynn worked as forest campaigner at the Conservation Council of New Brunswick for 12 years. Glynn is currently the national director of operations and projects for the Canadian Health Coalition. She also teaches at St. Thomas University, writes and coordinates editing for the NB Media Co-op, and works with land defenders across Turtle Island, Indonesia, Guatemala, Colombia, and beyond. Her activism and scholarship is focused on supporting communities affected by resource extraction, migration and border policies, and inadequate health care access.

Arielle DeMerchant is a biologist for the Department of Environment and Local Government in New Brunswick. She's also an avid nature photographer. Her work can be seen on her website www.adnaturephotography.com.

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