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Tales from Under the Rim (eBOOK)

Tales from Under the Rim (eBOOK)

218 pages
Published:   May 31, 2011
Non-Fiction  /  Biography & Memoir
ePub:   9780864927088    $19.95

"On a Rrrroll! You may not be familiar with Ron Buist, but you know his handiwork." — The Ottawa Citizen.

Tales from Under the Rim is a behind-the-scenes look at a simple business that became a Canadian icon. Tales from Under the Rim chronicles the rise of Tim Hortons, from its humble beginnings to a national institution. The recipe was simple: it took "one hockey player, one favourite barber shop, one former drummer, and one police officer" plus "the luck hard work brings" to transform a once unknown donut shop into one of Canada's leading franchise operations.

In this bestselling business memoir, Ron Buist shows how Tim Hortons became a second home to millions of Canadians. It includes the grass-roots marketing strategy that defined the early years, the Tim Hortons habit of listening to customers, and the whole story of Roll Up the Rim to Win, the no-frills contest that has become a defining feature of Canadian life.
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Ron Buist worked in radio and television in Oakville, Ottawa, and Toronto before becoming advertising manager for Black's Camera Stores. There, he was in charge of marketing Black's Bigger Prints, a change in process that that revolutionized photo finishing in Canada. His 13-year experience with Black's helped him land a job with Tim Hortons in 1977, where he worked as the marketing director for 24 years. During that time, he launched some of the best-known and most successful marketing campaigns in Canadian advertising history.

An entrepreneur, author, marketer, and thinker, he is now a highly demanded motivational speaker. He and his wife Mary Ann live in Oakville, Ontario, and have two adult children, Kevin and Suzanne.


"On a Rrrroll! You may not be familiar with Ron Buist, but you know his handiwork." — Ottawa Citizen

"The perfect business gift... Like its subject, it is comfortable, friendly, and a predominantly pleasant experience — Christmas morning or any other time." — Financial Post

"The book's subtitle is bang on. Tim Hortons is many things to this country, but it's above all else a triumph of marketing.... Buist's version of the rise of Tims holds a lot of common sense lessons that Canadian marketers of all stripes and sizes would do well to commit to memory." — Marketing Magazine

"The 'mother' of invention... A name that is on the lips of most Canadians — though they don't even know it. Along with other brilliant Canadians who've enriched our lives with light bulbs and TV, we raise a cup to you." — Toronto Sun

"A celebration of the results of marketing at its best." r — Daily Gleaner

"Buist's Tales from Under the Rim: The Marketing of Tim Hortons really does reveal the truth behind Tim Hortons success. That is, there is no mystery." — Chronicle Herald

"The perfect coffee-table book? —a book about coffee." — Edmonton Sunday Sun

"Enlightening peeks into the building of a business empire." — Canadian Press

"A readable and colourful account of the marketing successes that kept Tim Hortons in the forefront of the public mind...an interesting and accessible text for students of marketing." — British Journal of Canadian Studies