
Shortlisted, City of Victoria Butler Book Prize
Longlisted, Raymond Souster Award and Fred Cogswell Award For Excellence In Poetry

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art —

Breaking open John Keats’s “Last Sonnet,” Ali Blythe writes marginality into the canon, at once claiming, reviving, and un-fixing the Romantic vision.

Taking place over one night, the poet in bed next to a sleeping lover, Blythe’s revelatory poems struggle with questions of illusion and reality, immersion and escapism, that which endures and that which is transient. Held taut in formal quivers of short lines, each poem is shot through with eros — to address, to dress and undress, the subject of the love poem and perhaps love itself.

Published:  September 26, 2023
72 pages

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Format Paperback  9781773103051  $19.95