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One Indian Summer

One Indian Summer

200 pages
Published:   June 1, 1994
Fiction  /  Novels
Paperback:   9780864921512    $14.95

One Indian Summer tells the timeless story of a boy growing up on a farm in the 1950s. Steven Moar, a teenager with intellectual leanings, feels an irresistable pull toward the city and a university education, yet his loyalty to his father and the family farm pulls him just as hard in the other direction.

Wayne Curtis portrays the region and the times with authority and vividness. A devoted resident of New Brunswick's Miramichi region, Curtis writes from his own experience of growing to manhood on a beloved farm doomed to failure by mechanization.
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Wayne Curtis was born in Keenan, New Brunswick, on the banks of the Miramichi River. He was educated at the local schoolhouse and at St. Thomas University. He started writing prose in the late 1960s. His essays have appeared in the Globe and Mail, Outdoor Canada, Fly Fishermen, and the Atlantic Salmon Journal.


"Wayne Curtis has a warmth in his command of language and a genuine insight in his description of place and time." — David Adams Richards

"This is very fine writing. Its closeness to detail vibrates with an honesty which bears witness to lives lived humbly and poignantly. It resonates with truth, and the insights are of a very high order. Wayne Curtis is a splendid writer." — Alistair MacLeod

"When I read this novel, I was struck by the maturity, intelligence and sensitivity of its author. In it Wayne Curtis conveys the essence of what it is like to grow up in the Miramichi valley during the years following World War II." — Fred Cogswell