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Norman Bray in the Performance of His Life (Audiobook)

Norman Bray in the Performance of His Life (Audiobook)

Duration:  3h 30m Abridged
Published: April 14, 2006
BTC Audiobooks  /  Fiction  /  Novels
Audio CD:   9780864924032    $29.95

Norman Bray is a legend in his own mind. Stubbornly holding on to the fading light of his career, the aging actor has shirked all responsibility for the past 30 years in the name of "art." But life is finally catching up to him.

With the bank threatening foreclosure and the loss of his role on the cartoon "Tiny Taxi," the 56-year-old braggart is forced to confront his most cherished self-delusions. He may even have to get a real job. Making matters worse, his stepdaughter Amy has been reading her dead mother's journal and wants to know what really happened on the night of Norman's fateful last appearance on the stage.

Based on the popular CBC Radio serialization broadcast on The Roundup and Between the Covers in June 2005 and brilliantly narrated by David LeReaney, Norman Bray in the Performance of his Life is a dark comedy that takes us into the world of a self-involved bullying man, and shows us the endearing, terribly funny person behind the mask.
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