Safe and Sound (eBOOK)
84 pages
Published: September 30, 2011
ePub: 9780864925855 $9.95
Safe and Sound has two purposes: to help people avoid getting lost in the woods in the first place and to enable those who are lost to emerge unscathed. The book tells what to take in a ready pack and why, how to read a map and compass, how hunters can separate yet keep in touch, and how not to be disabled by a change in the weather or a minor accident. It also tells how to remain safe and sound until help arrives.
Published: September 30, 2011
ePub: 9780864925855 $9.95
Safe and Sound has two purposes: to help people avoid getting lost in the woods in the first place and to enable those who are lost to emerge unscathed. The book tells what to take in a ready pack and why, how to read a map and compass, how hunters can separate yet keep in touch, and how not to be disabled by a change in the weather or a minor accident. It also tells how to remain safe and sound until help arrives.