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Picture Perfect

Picture Perfect

204 pages
Published:   October 2, 2009
Non-Fiction  /  Business, Politics & Social Sciences
Hardcover:   9780864925411    $35.00

One of Canada's most successful homegrown buisnesses, Black's Photography grew from a single store to a national, and international, chain. Robert Black, the former Vice President, weaves his own, and his family's, story into the history of the company. Beginning with his great-grandparents, Robert takes the story through the generations, imparting what each had contributed to the success of Black's.

Part family history, part autobiography, and part business history, Picture Perfect is a unique look at a unique family business that rewrote the book on photography. Black and his brothers used new methods of advertising, took advantage of every innovation, did their own photofinishing, and introduced the practice of printing 4 x 6 photos, when no one else was doing it.
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