The House That Stands
32 pages
Published: January 1, 2008
Paperback: 9781895488371 $19.95
Published by Anchorage Press
An impressionistic long poem in twenty-two parts by Stefan Rose about residence life through a reimagining of the 60-history of the Trueman House residence at Mount Allison University. Typeset in Lanston Garamond and printed offset on Rolland Zephyr Antique Laid paper.
Published: January 1, 2008
Paperback: 9781895488371 $19.95
Published by Anchorage Press
An impressionistic long poem in twenty-two parts by Stefan Rose about residence life through a reimagining of the 60-history of the Trueman House residence at Mount Allison University. Typeset in Lanston Garamond and printed offset on Rolland Zephyr Antique Laid paper.