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Blaze Island (Audiobook)

Blaze Island (Audiobook)

Duration:  12h 24m Unabridged
Published: September 07, 2021
BTC Audiobooks  /  Fiction  /  Novels
Digital Audio:   9781773102627    $40.00  SRP
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The time is now or an alternate near now, the world close to our own. A Category Five hurricane sweeps up the eastern seaboard of North America, leaving devastation in its wake. During this wild night, a stranger washes up on the doorstep of the isolated house where Milan Wells lives with his daughter, Miranda.

Seemingly safe in her father’s realm, Miranda walks the island’s rocky shores, helping her father with his daily weather records. But the stranger’s arrival breaks open Miranda’s world, stirs up memories of events of long ago and compels her to wonder what her father is up to with his mysterious weather experiments.

In the aftermath of the storm, she finds herself in a world altered so quickly that she hardly knows what has happened or what the unpredictable future will bring.
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