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216 pages
Published:   January 1, 2018
Non-Fiction  /  Art & Architecture
Hardcover:   9780692132067    $90.00
Published by Anchorage Press

The first in-depth study of a community’s architecture along the eastern coast of Maine. Thaddeus Holownia took more than a thousand large-format photographs for this project, including interiors and exteriors of buildings, wider streetscape and landscape views, and a whole series of portraits of trees. The result is a magnificent book of photographs, accompanied by essays by architectural historian John Leroux and an introduction by Hugh French. This casebound, Smyth-sewn, large-format volume features 175 duotone stochastic reproductions.


Thaddeus Holownia is emeritus professor of fine arts at Mount Allison University, an elected fellow of the Royalty Society of Canada, and a winner of the Strathbutler Award. His photographs have been exhibited at galleries throughout North America and Europe.

John Leroux is an award-winning art historian, curator, and architect. He holds a Bachelor of Architecture from McGill University and a Master of Arts in Art History from Concordia University and is currently the Manager of Collections and Exhibitions at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery. He is the author of thirteen books uncluding Building New Brunswick and The Lost City.