In Perpetuity
The First World War Soldiers of the Fredericton War Memorial
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“The biographies are sad — these are all men who died far too young — yet the rich details bring them back to life, and tell the story of our province and our country in the early years of the 20th century.” — Miramichi Reader
James Rowinski is a PhD Candidate in Instruction and Curriculum Studies in Education at the University of New Brunswick and a SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship recipient. His areas of research include social studies and history education, historical thinking, historical consciousness, the interplay of racialized and ethnic identities with school history pedagogy, student voice, and critical research methodologies. Over the last decade, he has worked in New Brunswick as a social studies and history classroom teacher and curriculum consultant with the Government of New Brunswick’s Department of Early Education and Childhood Development. In addition to developing and leading the Fredericton Soldier Biography History Initiative to support best practice approaches in history teaching, he has been involved in numerous history education projects across Canada. He currently works for the Government of New Brunswick and lives in Fredericton.