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The Elephant Talks to God

The Elephant Talks to God

126 pages
Published:   October 5, 2006
Fiction  /  Novels
Paperback:   9780864924599    $16.95

The Elephant Talks to God is an endearing collection of whimsical tales in which a young elephant forages for answers to that age-old existential puzzle: What is the meaning of life? In this new edition of Dale Estey's best-selling book, this pachyderm philosopher asks questions and God answers — sometimes cryptically, sometimes humorously but always with love and patience.

The answers unfold in a series of conversations between this humble, though occasionally impertinent, beast and the Almighty. The free-ranging exchanges between the two include contributions from popes, missionaries and various monkeys, birds and insects. This sweet, sometimes satirical, and occasionally moving story will appeal to readers of all ages. The book includes most of the original stories from the popular 1989 collection as well as many new ones.

Original, fresh and unsentimental, The Elephant Talks to God belongs on the bookshelves of anyone who, just like the inquisitive elephant, has ever wondered about life, love and the true nature of happiness.
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Dale Estey is a writer, teacher, arts activist, and the author of two other works of fiction, the popular fantasy thrillers The Bonner Deception and A Lost Tale. Estey's broad scope ranges from the fantasy setting of unicorns and druids in the A Lost Tale trilogy to the 9/11 destruction of New York. He has filled in the missing diaries of Franz Kafka, recounted the first person dementia of a serial killer, explored the outrageous lifestyle of the famous, and listened in while an elephant and God converse. He is currently working on the saga of a family of onion farmers, from Third century Italy to the present day. Dale Estey has lived in Fredericton and Saint John, New Brunswick, and now makes his home in Antigonish, Nova Scotia. Estey prefers to travel by train, but has embraced the computer age with a passion. He is currently on the hunt for unique onion recipes.


"A witty, satirical book about the relationship between mortals and an immortal creator." — Orson Scott Card

"Dale Estey's elephant is curious and whimsical and a little bit impulsive, but it still stays on the path and gets there one step at a time." — Tom Allen

"If Aesop had been one of the Old Testament prophets or one of the New Testament apostles, The Elephant Talks to God is the book he would have written. ... Anyone who has ever wondered what Mother Goose tales and the Parables of Christ share in common will find the solution in this witty, whimsical book. May God bless Dale Estey and this beautiful testament." — George Elliott Clarke

"This book has much in common with prayer which is the art of paying attention to one's life. Without moralizing, it moves respectfully through whimsy, sensuality, intellect, intimacy and mystery. Like the biblical book of Job it opens into the inscrutable and wondrous heart of things. For anyone willing to go there, this is a good book." — Peter Short