Je t'aime Cowboy
200 pages
Published: January 1, 1993
Fiction / Short Story Collections
Paperback: 9780864921444 $14.95
In Montreal, sex and politics frequently mix, and T.F. Rigelhof's stories are sexy and political. His contemporary cowboys — immature, vulnerable men hoping to achieve masculinity by wearing cowboy boots, playing with guns, listening to Tom Waits — get the treatment they deserve: ironic understanding.
Published: January 1, 1993
Fiction / Short Story Collections
Paperback: 9780864921444 $14.95
In Montreal, sex and politics frequently mix, and T.F. Rigelhof's stories are sexy and political. His contemporary cowboys — immature, vulnerable men hoping to achieve masculinity by wearing cowboy boots, playing with guns, listening to Tom Waits — get the treatment they deserve: ironic understanding.