Homer in Flight (Audiobook)

Hilarious and poignant, Homer in Flight draws a brilliant picture of a chronic malcontent roving from high-rise to housing development along the 401 and the QEW. Homer remains utterly displaced, not because of what other people do or don't do, but because he lives in his imagination instead of embracing an imperfect but fairly benign reality.
BTC Audiobooks  /  Fiction  /  Novels
Published:  April 01, 2000
Audio Duration: 3h 45m Abridged

Available format(s)

Format Audio Cassette  9780864923004  $22.95

Rabindranath Maharaj, a Trinidadian teacher and journalist, wrote several of the stories in the Interloper during the year he spent in Fredericton. He now writes and teaches in Toronto.