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Biking to Blissville

Biking to Blissville

178 pages
Published:   January 1, 1993
Non-Fiction  /  Travel
Paperback:   9780864921543    $14.95

Over highways and byways and converted railway roadbeds, Biking to Blissville gives maps and precise directions for about forty bicycle rides through the most scenic areas of Maritime Canada. Most of the trips are loops. Each leads from a country inn, motel, or campground through uncrowded countryside, and author Kent Thompson has tested them all for fun, safety, and degree of difficulty. Thompson also suggests accomodations that fit cyclists tastes and purses, and the vagaries of the weather, from rustic campgrounds to opulent country inns, from old-time sporting camps to cozy bed-and-breakfasts.


Born in Waukegan, Illinois, Thompson came to NB in 1966 to teach at the University of New Brunswick. He has published two poetry collections, a book of short stories and three novels, all set in Fredericton. He has also written several radio plays for the CBC and a special play, Victoria's Return, presented locally during the summer of 1984.


"Biking to Blissville takes you on a very pleasant journey, one spiced with snippets of poetry, laughter, nostalgia, adventure and just plain fun." — Daily Gleaner

"[Biking to Blissville] works to both inform and entice his readers." — Explore

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