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R v Oland 2019 NBQB 151 (eBOOK)

R v Oland 2019 NBQB 151 (eBOOK)

160 pages
Published:   October 22, 2019
Non-Fiction  /  True Crime
ePub:   9781773101774    $9.95

On July 6, 2011, Richard Oland, scion of the Moosehead brewing family, was murdered in his office. The brutal killing stunned the city of Saint John, and news of the crime reverberated across Canada. After a two-and-half-year police investigation, Oland's only son, Dennis, was arrested for second-degree murder and tried not once, but twice.

This eBook edition is the complete transcript of the decision of Justice Terrence J. Morrison in the second trial. In his decision, Justice Morrison gives a full account of the positions of the prosecution and defence, a detailed analysis of the evidence and witnesses brought forward at trial, the governing legal principles, and the reasons behind his decision to reverse the original verdict and to find Dennis Oland not guilty of the murder of his father.

A fascinating companion to Shadow of Doubt: The Trials of Dennis Oland by Bobbi-Jean MacKinnon.
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Terrence J. Morrison is a judge of the Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick. Justice Morrison obtained a Bachelor of Laws from the University of New Brunswick in 1981. He was admitted to the Nova Scotia Bar in 1982 and the New Brunswick Bar in 1984. He worked as a lawyer in private practice for 26 years before becoming a judge. He was assigned as the judge for the retrial of Dennis Oland in 2018.