YOU comma Idiot (eBOOK)

Winner, Quiddity Award for Best Book Trailer
Shortlisted, Paragraphe Hugh MacLennan Prize for Fiction and QWF First Book Prize

"You're the kind of guy who falls in love after one date."

Marginalized and alienated, perennial fuck-up Lee Goodstone is a resounding zero: a low-rent hash-dealer with delusions of inadequacy. He's content to while away the hours of his life drinking, smoking, hanging out, playing the occasional game of hockey, and generally ignoring the world outside his tiny neighbourhood.

But Lee's near-idyllic existence is about to grind into second gear. His friend Henry has been accused of kidnapping and Lee's been cornered by the local media. Another friend has decided to shoehorn his way into Lee's drug business. And he's just made it with his best friend's girlfriend. Clearly, Lee needs a Plan B — not easy for a guy who long ago decided that the correct plan of action is to have no plan at all.

A hip, comedic novel, Doug Harris's YOU comma Idiot is a dark, demented, deeply delightful excursion into youthful alienation and ennui.

Fiction  /  Novels
Published:  November 22, 2010
328 pages

Available format(s)

Format ePub  9780864926951  $19.99