"[A] hash-fuelled joyride about some less than beautiful losers ... YOU comma Idiot is a black comedy with some neat twists. Throw in a fresh jacket design and endpaper illustrations by the author and you have a winner." — Uptown
"[A] fun read with a serious dark side." — Broken Pencil
"By the end of the novel, Lee felt like an old friend, someone that I had run into again after a long time and spent the day reminiscing with. ... Harris's book is a surprisingly meaningful work. ... YOU comma Idiot is mostly a really fun and engaging read, and a welcome break from all the other 'eccentric' or 'quirky' novels out there, overbearing in their attempts at literary greatness through offbeat realism." — McGill Daily
"Exceptionally realistic — consistently funny. ... A funny slice of life slacker dude style. ... If you were ever a teenaged badass in Montreal, you will know Lee Goodstone. He's the kind of dealer you can befriend with ease; he'll smoke you up for the exchange of his appreciative glances and harness the kind of wit an adolescent girl will swoon for in its cynical wisdom, and later recognize as trite." — Globe and Mail
"Keen and often humorous ... the fun [Harris] appears to have writing this novel spills over to those of us reading it." — Montreal Gazette
"More entertaining and relevant than any of the books that won Canadian literary prizes in 2010 ... High velocity purity that doesn't once check itself in the mirror to see if it looks good ... It;s a book full of surprises, some of them uncomfortable, a few uplifting, none plot-driven or arbitrary, and there's absolutely no navel lint clouding the view." — dooneyscafe.com
"Rapid-fire, authentic and a pleasure to read." — Chronicle Herald
"A whippet-quick, greasy read. Harris is to Montreal what novelist Russell Smith is to Toronto ... a clever wordsmith/observer of the under-engaged and slothful." — Hamilton Spectator
"As reader, we are both trapped inside Lee's vision of the world, and watching Harris get it all down with delicious verve and wit. ... I found this a brave book. A hyper-lucid guy plays against the odds, bats out of his league and survives to tell the tale, just." — roverarts.com
"You comma Idiot ... puts the fun back in books and is sure to be one of the fall's most entertaining reads. You'll bust your guts laughing and you might even crack a rib. More importantly, all humour aside, Harris is great writer. There is a praise-worthy attention to detail here, and that's what makes it the page-turning accomplishment it is." — Saltyink.com
"Debuting novelist Doug Harris has crafted a whippet-quick, greasy read in YOU comma Idiot, and it starts with a believable group of characters ... The author also does a splendid job in depicting in minute detail the fading jewel that is Montreal. In fact, he's to Montreal what novelist Russell Smith (How Insensitive, Girl Crazy) is to Toronto ... a clever wordsmith/observer of the under-engaged and slothful." — Hamilton Spectator
"[A] blistering social satire, set in Montreal, which frequently had me laughing out loud. ... a tour de force of second-person narration." — Canadian Literature