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Take Us Quietly

Take Us Quietly

92 pages
Published:   October 13, 2006
Paperback:   9780864924605    $17.95

In Take Us Quietly, Armstrong explores life, sickness, death and the importance of paying attention to the wider world, filtered through her own unique sensibility. Nothing is taken for granted in this new collection.

Whether travelling through Spain, mining a memory from a rural New Brunswick childhood, or exposing the concessions of love in a long-term relationship, Armstrong creates poems that leap from thought to thought, from one emotional tone to another, propelled by torque and tension.

Startlingly beautiful with unexpected intensity, Take Us Quietly draws us into the mind's deepest truths. By turns nightmarish, erotic and full of delight, her third collection of poems drills through the surface into the artesian well of memory.
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Tammy Armstrong is the youngest narrative poet ever to be shortlisted for the Governor-General's award. Raised in the border town of St. Stephen, New Brunswick, Armstrong has lived in Vancouver, Halifax, and Fredericton, and travelled extensively in Europe, Mexico and Central America. Armstrong's writing appears frequently in Canadian and international literary magazines. A version of Bogman's Music, her first poetry collection, won the Alfred Bailey poetry prize, and was later a finalist for the Governor General's Award for poetry. Armstrong has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia and has worked as an ESL instructor and waitress. She lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick.


"Tammy Armstrong's writing has impressed me for its daring syntax, imaginative language, offbeat imagery, and strong sense of purpose. Hers are poems of sensual impact, strange display and exotic approach: in her hands, a local garage, a love affair, and a foreign locale are taken, turned and twisted, so that we see, think and feel the new as really new — in all its unquiet detail. Armstrong's poetry was already very good. Take Us Quietly confirms it has just gotten better in terms both loud and clear." — Todd Swift