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The Top and Best Books of 2020!

Posted by Goose Lane Editions on

2021 is around the corner, and we can’t wait to wave goodbye to this year. That said, we’ve all been inspired by the resilience of our authors and team. We couldn’t pass up the chance to highlight the great titles that made it onto countless book lists this year! So, without further ado, here are some of the top and best books lists of 2020 (say that one five times fast).

 Photo of books standing upright with speech bubbles on the cover declaring they are the best book. From left to right: Unicorn in the Woods, Peter Powning, Restigouche, James Wilson

The Globe and Mail's Best Books

-Unicorn in the Woods by Gordon Pitts

-Blaze Island by Catherine Bush

-The Imperilled Ocean by Laura Trethewey


2020 Fiction: Books of the Year by 49th Shelf Staff

-Blaze Island by Catherine Bush

Photo of books standing upright with speech bubbles on the cover declaring they are the best book. From left to right: Peace by Chocolate, Lintels of Paris

The Hill Times’ List of 100 Best Books in 2020

-Acadian Driftwood by Tyler LeBlanc

-Peace by Chocolate by Jon Tattrie

-The Imperilled Ocean by Laura Trethewey


Maclean’s The 20 books you need to read this winter

-Blaze Island by Catherine Bush

“Bush’s deeply resonant ecological retelling of The Tempest showcases a ‘brave new world’ as ironic as Shakespeare’s: brave because it is startling, dangerous and inescapable for those left alive; new because it really isn’t, merely what the whirlwind humanist has sowed for its children to reap.” — Brian Bethune


CBC New Brunswick 2020 book list

-Peter Powning: A Retrospective/ Une rétrospective by John Leroux

-Unicorn in the Woods by Gordon Pitts

-James Wilson: Social Studies by James Wilson

-Lintels of Paris by Thaddeus Holownia

-Restigouche by Philip Lee

 Photo of books standing upright with speech bubbles on the cover declaring they are the best book. From left to right: Blaze Island, The Imperilled Ocean

Writers Trust Canada 2020 Best Books of the Year

-Blaze Island by Catherine Bush

“The author's meticulously lush and forceful poetry sweeps the reader right into the eye of an earth-shattering storm of existential consequence, from which she dares us to look away.”— Kerri Sakamoto

-The Imperilled Ocean by Laura Trethewey

“She offers a scientist’s precision . . . But she also has a storyteller’s gift for tracking down the people of the ocean.”— Rosemary Sullivan

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