Excerpt from Marcello Di Cintio's Pay No Heed to the Rockets (in stores now!)
Out in stores now: Pay No Heed to the Rockets: Palestine in the Present Tense, the new work by multiple award-winning author Marcello Di Cintio (Walls)! Don't...
Excerpt from Genevieve Scott's Catch My Drift, in stores now!
Out in stores now: Catch My Drift, the debut novel book by Genevieve Scott! Don't miss out on the novel The Toronto Star compares to the works of...
An excerpt from Andrew Battershill's MARRY, BANG, KILL, in bookstores now!
Out in stores now: MARRY, BANG, KILL, the new book by Giller-longlistied author Andrew Battershill! Don't miss out on reading the novel Publishers Weekly calls "a surprisingly heartfelt story...
An Excerpt from Gerry Fostaty's As You Were
In a report to the minister of defence to be made public on January 26, 2017, Canadian Armed Forces ombudsman Gary Walbourne outlines the need...
An excerpt from Michelle Butler Hallet's This Marlowe
Coins fell on his face. Dreaming of Tom’s kisses, he twitched. Let me sleep. Kit lay on his back, on a straw tick and wooden...