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Tagged "cbc"

Airborne 101

We wanted to prepare you for one of the best non-fiction books you could come across this season. Strap yourselves in — we’re going to take off now!

Airborne: Finding Foxtrot Alpha Mike is the story of a father who passed on his love of flying to his son, and after his death at age 66, Jonathan Rotondo dove into trying to find the plane his father loved. This tribute to Antonio Rotondo is written in three sections, including family history, Jonathan’s own experience in air cadets, and the trek to recover Antonio’s plane, Foxtrot Alpha Mike.

Read on for your Airborne 101

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The Second Trial of Dennis Oland - Week 3

The Crown suggests Dennis Oland's financial problems were a possible motive for murder. During opening statements, Jill Knee tells the court that the financial adviser had maxed out a $163,000 line of credit, a $27,000-limit credit card, cashed out his RRSPs and had requested an advance on his pay.
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