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Poetry Friday: "Baffled King Collage" by Katia Grubisic

Posted by Goose Lane Editions on

What if red ran out, Katia GrubisicFor Poetry Friday, so close to Christmas, we thought there would be no better poet/poem to usher in the holiday than Katia Grubisic and her poem "Baffled King Collage." (from her collection What if red ran out)

Because, if red ran out, what would this holiday season be? Just green. 

You think about that.


Baffled King Collage

What if the things we fear are
Leonard Cohen covers, or
coats made of chagrin,
well worn and unintentionally
the right size; what if
a peculiar scarcity
of bell tollers left
coppery gothic whistles stunning
the city; what if
red ran out; what if it ends up
you and me and another
hallelujah, not much godly
about it; and those slit cardboard eclipse thingies
are no good
and we are condemned
to suffer a dreadful fate,
ambling around half blind
in this coat we hadn’t anticipated.
Unwilling to toss it
casually as if we did this
all the time, over the lone, lonely tree,
in case its branches refuse
to bend as much as we want.



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