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The 2020 Goose Lane Gift Guide

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The holidays are upon us, and we’re sure some of you still have shopping to do. We’re not shaming you for procrastinating – in fact, we want to help! We know that certain people can be tough to buy for, so we’ve compiled a list of book recommendations for some very specific types of people. Check it out, it’s Goose Lane Edition’s Superlative Gift Guide!

Remember: from now until the new year, get 15% off your order with code HOHO15. Orders over $35 qualify for free shipping in Canada.

For the handmade gift giver

A basket sits open, revealing balls of yarn and a book, Grace Helen Mowat and the Making of Cottage Craft, and a knitted piece spills out of the side. A book, Peace by Chocolate, stands in front of the basket.

Peace by Chocolate by Jon Tattrie

Grace Helen Mowat and the Making of Cottage Craft by Diana Rees & Ronald Rees


For your stoner roommate

Two books, YOU comma Idiot and MARRY, BANG, KILL, stand up against a backdrop patterned with shiny, green trees. In front of the books sits a tealight in a holder shaped like a snowman's head and two weathered matchboxes.

YOU comma Idiot by Doug Harris

MARRY, BANG, KILL by Andrew Battershill


For the wanderlusting friend

Three books, Wanderlust, Aloha Wanderwell, and a Song from Faraway, stand against a backdrop patterned with shiny, green trees. White tissue paper covers the ground, made to look like mounds of snow. In the foreground sits a blue toy car that has a life preserver and surfboard on strapped to the roof.

Aloha Wanderwell by Christian Fink-Jensen & Randolph Eustace-Walden

A Song from Faraway by Deni Ellis Béchard

Wanderlust by Laura Byrne Paquet


For the friend counting down the days till next Halloween

Two books, Life on Mars and Different Beasts, lie partially atop one another next to two tiny pumpkin. A jack-o-lantern with a crooked smile and a fuzzy Santa hat looms in the background.

Different Beasts by J.R. McConvey

Life on Mars by Lori McNulty


For your childhood friend who was always in trouble

Two books, Crow and Cures for Hunger, stand upright. A sock monkey sits to the left of the books with one arm behind them.

Crow by Amy Spurway

Cures for Hunger by Deni Ellis Béchard


For the dad who just wants some peace and quiet

Three books, The Death and Life of Strother Purcell, Like Rum-Drunk Angels, and The Mongolian Chronicles, stand upright in a row against a backdrop patterned with shiny, green trees. A black mug stands in the foreground to the right, and to the left a Yule gnome with a bushy, grey beard peaks out from behind on of the books.

The Mongolian Chronicles by Allen Smutylo

Like Rum-Drunk Angels by Tyler Enfield

The Death and Life of Strother Purcell by Ian Weir


For the mom who has more books than she has time to read

A stack of books lies on a white surface, a pink mug sits atop them, and a row of books stands to the right against a backdrop patterned with shiny, green trees. Only one book in each of the stacks faces towards the camera, The M Word and Catch My Drift.

Catch My Drift by Genevieve Scott

The M Word by Kerry Clare


For the grandparent spending too much time on

A book, Acadian Driftwood, stands with another book, Canadians at War, Vol. 1, standing in front of it, slightly obscuring it from view. Next to the books sits a gingerbread house. Two knitted stockings hang in the background.

Acadian Driftwood by Tyler LeBlanc

Canadians at War, Vol. 1 by Susan Evans Shaw


For the sibling who probably just wants video games (again)

A white Xbox 360 controller sits on top of a stack of green, red, and white video game cases. Two books, Unicorn in the Woods and The Rest of Silence, stand to the right.

Unicorn in the Woods by Gordon Pitts

The Rest is Silence by Scott Fotheringham


For your favourite English Lit prof

A large green book, Collected Poems of Alden Nowlan, lies on its side and a shiny, red apple and a white mug sit atop it. Two books stand in the back, This Marlowe and Will Starling.

This Marlowe by Michelle Butler Hallett

Collected Poems of Alden Nowlan

Will Starling by Ian Weir


For the uncle who visits the gallery wherever he goes

A white book, Itee Pootoogook, stands against a backdrop patterned with shiny, green trees. In the foreground, a book, Maud Lewis: Paintings for Sale, lies next to a mug featuring a Maud Lewis painting which sits atop a coaster, also featuring a Maud Lewis painting.

Maud Lewis by Sarah Milroy

Itee Pootoogook by Nancy Campbell


For the aunt still talking about her last trip to France

A book, Lintels of Paris, stands slightly obscured by another, Apron Strings, standing in front of it. A third book, The Hunter and the Wild Girl, lies in the foreground next to a mug adorned with three, cuddling foxes. Ornaments are scattered around them.

Lintels of Paris by Thaddeus Holownia & Peter Edwards

The Hunter and the Wild Girl by Pauline Holdstock

Apron Strings by Jan Wong


For the homesick cousin who lives abroad

Two books, The Last Hockey Game and Tales from Under the Rim, stand in the background. In front of them sits two hockey pucks with a small, plastic hockey stick leaning against them.

The Last Hockey Game by Bruce McDougall

Tales from Under the Rim by Ron Buist


For the cynical in-law

Two knited stockings sit side-by-side on a black surface. A book, Too Dumb for Democracy, sits atop the stocking on the left and another book, I Am Herod, peaks out of the other stocking.

I Am Herod by Richard Kelly Kemick

Too Dumb for Democracy by David Moscrop


For that neighbour from The Rock we all seem to have

Two books, Blaze Island and Ned Pratt, stand upright amongst scattered ornaments on a bed of crumpled, white tissue paper made to look like mounds of snow.

Blaze Island by Catherine Bush

Ned Pratt by Mireille Eagan, Sarah Fillmore, Ray Cronin, & Jonathan Shaughnessy

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